Friday, March 16, 2007

Free Write 3/15/07

Every day is a battle for time, of which I wish I had more. Everytime I'm not doing something is a waste because I just have too little of it. I'm trying to live my life but I can find time to do everything that I need to do without doing the things that keep me together. I wake up at 6:00 A.M. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. On those days I take that hour to prepare for football practice at 7:00 A.M. all those days. On wednesday and friday I wake up at 6:30 A.M. in order to have enough time for breakfest which I don't eat on the days that I work out in the morning because I am far too rushed. I walk to school at about 7:50 A.M. and get there at about 8:10 A.M.. School starts at 8:30 A.M. and ends at 3:32 P.M..

After I get out of school I try to talk to my friends and talk to them for about 15 minutes before I have practice at about 4:00 P.M. every day of the week. Practice might last till 5:00 P.M. or 5:30 P.M.. When I got home It might be like 5:30 I rest for like 20 minutes until about 5:50 then I start to clean the mess I just made and the mess of the previous day I made after that which takes me till about 6:30 P.M.. Usually dinner is ready by then, so I eat and do a little bit of work till abot 7:30 P.M. I get on the computer about 30 minutes after that, then I take a shower till 8:30 P.M. After I'm I stay up and do most of my work and try to pick out what I want to wear the next day and if I can't I might just clean up my room and organize my Cd's or read some but I usually have something to do. It takes me a couple of hours to fall asleep so I try to go to slee early but I usually wind up falling asleep at like 12:00 A.M.. Hello 6 hours of sleep agian, and agian, I mean its like nonstop nothing but Rinse and Repeat.

Rinse and Repeat.
Rinse and Repeat.
Rinse and Repeat.

On Friday I fall asleep at about 12:00 A.M. too. Then I wake up at like 5:00 A.M. or earlier because I have a track meet every saturday till about 8:00 P.M. every time. When I get back I usually eat dinner then totally crash out. On sunday I wake up at about 7:00 A.M. to go to work which last till about 4:00 P.M then I go hang out with my dad till about 7:00 P.M. I come home and try to finsih up some last minute stuff and fall asleep at abou 12:00 P.M. I go to work every other weekend and on the weekend I'm not working I usually go to the YMCA to workout. After that I wake up on monday and Its the same thing.

Rinse and Repeat

Friday, March 2, 2007

Relationship With God

This an old post from 8/23/06

My current relationship with god is veyry lad back. I believe in god and I trust in him because there has to be some higher power, i don't go to curch But i worship him by being the best person I can be, I don't usualy pray because you should only ask god for favors in your most desperate hours of need. Most people just ask him when they want something out of greed, which is immoral. I believe he always gives forgiveness for those who ask. but god the persona is mans idea. Because in order to have order people must be ruled. people need something to believe in, It gives them hope. But I'm sure there is a god and I worship him in my own special way.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

PJ week 5

I think its more free will, fate is more like chance to me. A chance meeting is caused by free will because every action causes and equal and opposite reaction and some call the second action fate but it is just another action derived from your unintentional free will. People can make their own decisions because they have a choice. Ofcourse its fated that you will brush your teeth everymorning you can't fate thing that you know is going to happen. Itsnot some mystical force making the decision. You choose what you want to do. Your own destiny is n your own hands and you decide what happenes from your own free will. you get to choose when to do things and when and when not to do things. I think of fate likeapercentage chance because my parents met at a place in little 5 points called inmens dehli while my mom was working at Bridge-town grill almost right next to it. My mom was friends with the dehli's boss and one day my parents jyust met which was bound to happen becayuse they worked so near eachother and the odds of them talking is pretty good. Its just when we make our decisions it causes a ripple effect that effects everyone else around us and even people we don't know cause it effects our friends and their friends and their friends and the people they know and its continous. Many people don't realize how much ofa large effect they have on peoples lives. Newtons Third law in Physics "Every Action has an equal and opposite reaction". Life is just math to me or something you can relate to something that makes sence. It makes it easier for me to see things in perspective or in differant points of view that i would not have normaly seen otherwise.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Odyssey

1. What have you learned about Greek culture, values, and religion? Address the roles of women and men, honor and virtues, gods and goddesses, etc.

The Greek culture to me is like one big family. When one goes to war, they often call upon their allies in other Greek cities. Whenever someone is a visiting guest in their city they treat them just like family, they lavishly provide food, shelter, clothing, and bathing. Greeks also seem to love the finer things in life but are quite fine without them as well, they take pride in what they create and are ever vigilant to fight for their countries. The Greeks value a strong household and quality goods. They don’t make lousy equipment; whenever they make something they put their hard work and effort into what they are doing and never cease to do so. Men in Greek culture are real men they are strong providers, soldiers, hunters, sailors, men are the real physical aspect of the Greek world. The men in the Greek world are renowned for great feats of heroism and courageous deeds in the face of danger. Women in Greek culture have many roles some are worshiped as deities and some are powerful warriors as well. One thing that all women are in Greek culture is a Beautiful, spellbinding enchantress, although mortal women were not as adapt as goddesses to perform magic. Their Beauty and sway over men affected the course of Greek history. There were 12 different main Olympian Gods in ancient Greece, the supreme ruler of the gods was Zeus, and his wife was Hera, his sister. The other 10 were Poseidon god of the sea, Hades god of the underworld, Dionysus god of wine, Hestia goddess of Home, Hermes the gods messenger, Ares god of war, Aphrodite goddess of love, Demeter goddess of fertile earth, Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, Apollo is the god of prophecy, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, and Hephaestus is the god of fire, and workmanship. All the gods played a pivotal role in Greek culture and values. Each god is centered on a very important aspect of Greek life. The more important the aspect of culture, the more important the god is.

2. What resonated with you in reading about Odysseus’ adventures? Why?

I was deeply affected by his heroism in the face of danger. Odysseus had a blatant disregard for his own life when it came to saving the lives of his own men. He showed great determination in getting back to his wife even in the direst of circumstances. Two parts in the movie, and the book were really interesting because it showed how much the gods liked to play with mortals like they were just little toys sometimes. The two parts also showed me how much women in the ancient Greek world could throw a trance over men with beauty. The two goddesses held Odysseus on their islands for elongated times each venture. They used all their tricks on him to stay; they offered him endless sex, power, immortality, and more. But Odysseus refused the great gifts he had been offered and returned home to his wife Penelope.

3. This epic poem is dated nearly 3000 years ago, why is it still relevant?

The Odyssey shows people today what the human race is capable of, facing great challenges and winning despite all odds. People read it because it inspires hope and heroism, things that many people lack today because our low self esteem. When people read the Odyssey maybe they are hoping that some of it will rub off on them. Historians might also read the Odyssey to better understand Greek culture and draw from it a better picture of what life was back then, because of them studying the odyssey and other epic poems we are able to draw a better mental picture of what life was like back then. Because we know more about how it looked like and how people acted, people can them make feature films about epic poems like the Odyssey.

4. How would you characterize the narrator, the fictive “Homer” whose voice we imagine as singing the verses of the Odyssey?

I would make Homer out to be an old man, maybe not as wise as people make him out to be but maybe an innovator of his time. He chose to write down the odyssey to make it easier for future generation to remember. But we really know no credible evidence of his existence or anything about him.

5. What kinds of behavior are treated as contemptible in the Odyssey?

One aspect around Greek culture that has special importance is how you treat your geust. When you receive geust you treat them with respect and offer them food and what you can and be as gracious as you can.

6. How does the poem represent mortal women? Since Penelope is the most important woman in the Odyssey, what qualities does she possess, and how does she respond to the troubles she faces? (Some of the other women are of note, too-Eurycleia the serving woman, the faithless maidservants, Nausicaa the Phaeacian princess, and Helen of Sparta, Menelaus' queen, whose elopement with Prince Paris sparked the Trojan War.)

Women in ancient Greece share a wide spectrum of archetypes. Penelope and Eurycleia are both loyal while some of Odysseus’ maidservents are unfaithful and throw away their homes for lust. Helen of sparta in the poem is expressed as a beautiful woman yet slightly promiscuous.

7. How do Homer's gods think and behave? How do their actions and motivations differ from the conception of god in other religions of which you have knowledge? What role do the Homeric gods play in human affairs, and what is the responsibility of humans with respect to those gods?

The Gods and Goddesses of ancient Greece act like humans, most base their actions on emotions they have like lust, or anger. They can interfere with ventures people set forth on. They seem to just play around with humans, they often mate with humans and bring forth offspring that are often stronger, smarter, and overall better humans. The Gods believe the humans owe them everything and they are just there because the Gods allow them to be.